Monday, March 30, 2009

True Confessions Monday

Here we go~

1. I haven't been keeping track of my points.

2. My scale is telling on me.

3. My husband doesn't realize how hard I have to try not to be sad.

4. The reasons I listed to move to the great state of Michigan no longer apply.

5. I've been teetering on being unhappy the last couple of days.

6. That's why I haven't been eating right; I'm an emotional eater BIG time.

7. I want a Wii Fit but instead got another camera for my birthday.

8. I perfer my old camera.

9. I had Burger King today.

10. It was good.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

i cheat on the weekends.

sorry that you're struggling with the blues. :(