Friday, March 13, 2009

Hi, I'm LaDonna and I'm overweight...

According to the CDC my BMI is 29.1 putting me only .9 points away from being obese. This morning when I stepped on the scale it read 159.5. This is how much I weighted when I was 9 months pregnant! What in the world have I done to myself?!? I've never been skinny but I was always aware of what I would eat but lately I've been stuffing everything with in reaching distance into my mouth. It's amazing what emotions and lack of self control can get you.

Anyways I'm just going to list a few things and work my way from there.

My goal weight is 125 lbs.

I plan on bribing rewarding myself at certain weight goals so~

5 lbs. will buy me new music for my MP3 player.

10 lbs. will buy me a chick flick with a friend.

20 lbs. will buy me a pedicure.

30 lbs. will buy me some new clothes.

And I'll be back later with measurements and what I've ate for the day.

Let's see what have I had to eat today:

Breakfast~ Oatmeal 2 pt
Yogurt 1 pt
Coffee with Splenda 0pts

Lunch~ Salad with free veggies 0pts
3 slices of sandwich meat 1 pt
1/2 of a hard boiled egg 1 pt
Honey Mustard Vinaigrette 0 pts
2/3 c frozen peaches, thawed 1 pt

Snack~Fiber One Granola Bar 3 pts (won't be eating these very often)

Dinner~ 2 Baja Chicken Gorditas 14 points
1 Hard shell taco 4 points

Total~27 points =(

Looking over what I've had today, I can see that I did fine up until dinner. This time of day is always the tricky part for me. Today was worse than normal because I haven't been to the grocery store. I think I should have just dug around in the freezer for a Lean Cuisine. Oh well there's always tomorrow.

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